Neil Voss

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Neil D. Voss
Neil Voss - 01.jpg
Gender Male
Born 1974-10-07
Birth Place Brooklyn, New York, USA
Nationality American   USA.svg

Neil Voss is an American music composer and musician who wrote music for a few video games over the years.

Voss started off by composing music on his Commodore 64 from ages 12 to 19. He then became an underground electronic music developer, but then he saw his friends who composed music for game developers, and so he applied for a job at H2O Interactive. After leaving H2O, he founded Voss Audio. Aside from composing music, Voss also does graphic and web designing. He later cofounded Anima Virtuality in 2021.

Audio Development

Nintendo 64

Voss used Fasttracker II. The samples were taken from various sources.

In The New Tetris (N64), the late programmer David Pridie (aka Martial Artist) hid rants, and out of all of the people he made bad remarks about, Voss was the one person he complimented, though he said that Voss got things done at the last minute:

While I am screaming.. I might as well say this: Niel Voss.. your music is freaking KICK A$$.. you are one really damn talented boy. BUT, you are one of the laziest music guys I think there is :) You could go far if you wanted to, but you just lack the GO for it. It is a shame. I wish you all the luck and would reccomend you to ANYBODY just because even though everything is last minute, and like pulling teeth, the end result is AMAZING.

However, in an interview with Voss and wiki user CandiedCat, Voss stated that he was simply ghosting the rest of the team to avoid feedback:

I had left H2O and moved back to Florida, was producing this whole soundtrack remotely contract. The producer at Tetris Co was annoying and would ask me things like if I could 'sound like Enya' and other lame requests. I deliberately delayed giving them music as much as I could to hold off and wait out any reviews/feedback... Which led my friend Dave to be very stressed. he ranted about it and me being 'lazy'. I don't think he knew I was ghosting them to avoid getting feedback. I handed them a lot of tracks very near the end and Dave basically named most all the songs. I had no idea what the levels were really aside some vague descriptions I got in email from the producer.


Released Title Sample Notes
1994-12-22 Star Reach (DOS)
1997-08-11 Tetrisphere (N64)
1999-07-31 The New Tetris (N64)
2004-12-17 Racing Gears Advance (GBA)

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